On this page I'll include links to related sites. If you notice
any broken links, let me know. Also let me know about your own favorite sites!
JoHn As JaCk TrIpPeR |
"Three's Company" official site
This is the official site for John's popular 70's-80's ABC sitcom.
"8 SiMpLe RuLeS" cAsT |
"8 Simple Rules" official ABC site
ABC's official site for John's popular sitcom
CaSt Of "8 SiMpLe RuLeS" |
Disney Channel "8 Simple Rules" site
This is Disney UK's site for the show.
JoHn RiTtEr |
John Ritter Tribute page
This site was created by a girl named Avril and was actually approved
by John himself. my all time favorite John Ritter fan page.